Earth-Biologist Azoren Zzasdout Cawert TRANSMISSION FROM EARTH TO MARS

Earth Log: #443
Earth Date: July 23 2011 QWE
Mars Date: Reeelc 51, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

On Monday (the second day of the Earth-week), I will travel to a new sub-territory called Oregon. Oregon is much farther North then my current sub-territory, California. I am very excited, because I have never been there before. I am to watch plays written by none other then Shakespeare himself! I wonder if I will be able to meet this person who has such high standing in Earthen society. I sure hope so!

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log: #442
Earth Date: July 10, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Reeelc 38, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

Once again I will thank my home planet for my rescue. I would most likely not be here if not for them.

I have heard nothing from the other Neptunian. I hope he had nothing to do with the attack on me. I hope my captors were working independently.

I have also heard nothing from the Plutonian, Syrenyti. I am quite worried for her. I wonder if she, too, has had problems with hostile aliens. I hope that isn't the case, and that she is just busy or is not feeling well. I will pray for her.

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log:#441
Earth Date: July 6, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Reeelc 34, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

It's so good to be free! Thank my home planet for rescuing me! Those Neptunians have been taken back to Mars to be put in prison! Hooray! I'm very sorry I can't write more, but I am exhausted. Goodnight!

-End Message to Mars

Transmitted Log Entry Fourteen

Imperial Command, we hail you.
For once, a log entry that the Martian has not interfered with! Also, we thank you for sending the supplies. The delivery time was exceptionally quick!

We have started taking samples of Az. Cawert's DNA. We have no test results as of yet, but they will be s- There is someone knocking- WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! I REPEAT WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! SEND REINFORCEMENTS!


Transmitted Log Entry Thirteen

Imperial Command, we hail you.
That infuriating Martian somehow managed to get accesses to my digital logbook and put a password on it. She is oftentimes more trouble then she is worth. We know we should be patient, for the good of Neptune, but many times I have considered terminating her.

I do have some good news. She is proving to be difficult to study. I came up with an ingenious plan. Instead of studying her, we will study her DNA. It will give us information on what Martians are like and what they are more likely to do in a war situation. Unfortunately, we do not have all the tools necessary to study DNA. Please send ten extraction needles, twenty bandaging strips, and a foreign DNA analyzer. I apologize for losing our original FDNAA.


decoding code 3dkjiGKJE 39asdlfEEA#dmvi.djlksa.ejfkjday48ed.d.dsuaefkdncvbxcz.kuyt876
welcome back

Transmitted Log Entry Twelve

Imperial Command, we hail you.
Cawert has given us, though accidentally, a piece of information. She said that her government will mobilize a new army and come crush us. This means that they have a very small, lazy military. This is good. This is very good. I believe that the Martian world is made up primarily of scientists.


Transmitted Log Entry Eleven Part 2

Imperial Command, we hail you.
That disgusting piece of raren pulgen kicked my digital logbook and caused it to send. We thought she was securely restrained, but we were wrong. We have fixed that problem. I would like to finish my unfinished sentence, but I have lost that direction of thought. I apologize for all of this mess.


Transmitted Log Entry Eleven

Imperial Command, we hail you.
Azoren Cawert, Azoren being the term for a highly respected scientist, is extremely difficult to extract information from. She is very vile,and is constantly spitting curses at us in her own language. Her DSS is full of codes and passwords which make it hard to learn anything from it. I app-
{sending message.} 

Transmitted Log Entry Ten

Imperial Command, we hail you.
The Martian known as Zzasdout Cawert is residing in our care. We have taken it upon ourselves to "study" her and "get to know her." She is very stubborn and is proving to be quite difficult. But we have learned that she has been on Earth for almost nine years. We did not get that from her directly. We looked into her Data Storage System, DSS, or as we call it, a digital logbook. I must go now. I do not want any of the other Martians to intercept this.


{system restart. welcome back. initiating start-up procedures.}

E34dslas dfsa843e5sjdhf sadry4kdt874 847543975932u4cdaduvhcxv65---
{failure to reboot. re-trying.}
da.sktawa4385rksfag;oiewfdfdguvfuga748ujdjf nadufuoidsas438574wd---
{failure to reboot. shutting down.}

Earth Log: #441
Earth Date: May 29, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Sedatvi 46, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

Today has been an interesting day. It started out normal like any other day, but I knew something was amiss. I consulted my DSS. I found nothing out of the ordinary. Sudden943875yvnsakdjfhsdurtewjfnc---
{error. sending message. shutting down.}

Earth Log: #440
Earth Date: May 23, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Sedatvi 40, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

I may be repeating myself here, but I am astounded by the Earthlings idea of aliens, such as myself. They picture us as green with bulbous heads and wearing no clothes! How ridiculous is that?!?!?! They imagine us as very short with gigantic black eyes, as such: 

Simply preposterous! That is one of the most hideous creatures I have ever seen! We do not envision them as being so ugly! I am so disgusted...

-End Message to Mars 

Earth Log: #439
Earth Date: May 17, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Sedatvi 39, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

I am sure you are anxious to hear how my meeting with the Plutonian named Syrenyti went. I am happy to say that she is a delightful little being! She is quite small, though that is to be expected with beings from a planet that small. There is no external evidence of her powers. As for her personality, she is very nice, smart, and all around a wonderful person to spend time with! The weather was not a problem.

I have found evidence of Neptunian hostility. Apparently, they are disgusted with our lack of armies. Otherwise then that, the UGF is still a great alliance.

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log: #438
Earth Date: May 14, 2011 AD
Mars Date:Sedatvi 38, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

Surveyor 13909, also known as Syrenyti, has graciously invited me to a party celebrating the anniversary of her birth, otherwise known as a birthday. I have accepted, and am very excited to meet her face to face. The only problem is that there might be some weather on the day of the party, in which case, I might not be able to attend. I will hope and pray that this is not the case.

The system of learning called school is almost over for this session. School takes a very long break over summer. It will resume again in late summer. When it resumes that will be the time when the children advance a grade. I will be in 11th grade, and will be called a Junior.

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log: #437
Earth Date: May 8, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Sedatvi 32, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

The Plutonian is back! Apparently, she had somehow lost the ability to communicate. I will keep contact with her. Surveyor 13909, if you are reading this, Happy Birthday!

Wonderful Wer. Garsgez's Day to you! May all Martians be prosperous and glad! I am sad that I will not be able to celebrate with my own kind, but I will be there in spirit! Good peace and may the Lord bless you!

Solora is much closer to Earth then to Mars, and so is taking quite a toll on my skin. My skin, which was completely unharmed at home, is extremely sensitive to sunlight on Earth. I have one of the worst sunburns I have ever had in my entire life.

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log: #436
Earth Date: May 3, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Sedatvi 27, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

I have lost all communications with the aliens. I have no idea what has happened to them. I have searched and searched, but I cannot figure out why they have stopped communicating.

There has been no rain lately. A pity. I was hoping to study it soon.

I amazes me how illiterate some of these Earthlings are. They can't spell correctly, such as "Hey u txt me 2nite" instead of "Hey, you, text me tonight." That is insulting! How can these Earthlings, who claim to be so intelligent, be so stupid at times? They also use incorrect grammar while speaking. For example, "Wow,you is so cuterific today!" instead of "Wow, you are so cute today!" This society needs a lesson in language.

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log: #435
Earth Date: April 29, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Sedatvi 23, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

Here is more information about school. From the age of five (very young child) to the age of seventeen (almost fully grown), or somewhere thereabouts, human children are sent to school. School is a place of in-depth learning. These children are taught almost everything that they need to know about life in school. There are different subjects of school. These are groups of specific types of learning, such as math is one subject, and science is another.

When a child reaches around five Earth-years of age, he or she is sent to school. There the child is led to his or her "class." A class is a group of about thirty students of about the same age. This is what is called a "grade." This grade will stay together, and each year will move up to the next grade. There are twelve grades. Each grade gets harder and harder.

When the child completes the twelfth grade, he or she is then considered an adult. The child then has a choice. He or she can start his or her adult life, or he or she can go to "college" which is a school for continued learning. This additional knowledge is used in getting better and higher paying jobs. College usually consists of two to eight or more Earth-years of school.

I highly recommend at least attempting to set up Martian schools. I think they are a wonderful experience for children.

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log: #434
Earth Date: April 27, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Sedatvi 21, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

This Christianity thing is very intriguing and, as far as I can tell, accurate to everything that we know about the universe. It even explains some of the unknowns! The best part about God, besides the fact that he is the extreme ruler, is that you can talk to him anywhere any time! You just start talking, and he hears you! All you have to do is say "Amen" at the end! I have decided that I will be the very first Martian Christian!

I have some news on school. Many of the young say that they hate school and they hate learning. I don't see why! The adults provide free learning for their young! Earth society demands that all humans attend school and learn! What an idea! It would be a great idea if we set up public learning places. I will fully explain school in my next message.

Still no alien activity to report.

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log: #433
Earth Date: April 22, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Sedatvi 16, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

The holiday known as "Easter" is coming up in two Earth-days. This is a very important holiday. This holiday celebrates God rising from the dead. God is this divine being that created everything and rules over it today. This is what is known as "religion." Everything the religious Earthlings say about God fits with everything that we have researched. I wonder if God also created Martians. I am very curious and I am going to a religious meeting called "church" on Easter. They have a religious book called "The Bible." The Bible contains everything that anyone might one to know about God and Christianity (the official name of the religion). Here is a link to read the whole Bible: mec.thebible.umt I hope you find it as interesting as I do.

I have been concentrating on Easter and religion these past few days. No new alien activity reported.

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log: #432
Earth Date: April 19, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Sedatvi 13, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

I have discovered something incredibly amazing! Well, the truth is the Earthlings discovered them, but I discovered them for Mars. The Earthlings have named them "black holes." They are these large vacuums out in space that suck in everything, including light, for many light years around. They are formed when an old star implodes. That is all I was able to discover. It is well worth further research.

-End Message from Mars

Earth Log: #431
Earth Date: April 14, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Sedatvi 8, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

It turns out the the weather on Earth has poor effects on my health. I regularly get illnesses that I would rarely get back home on Mars. I contacted our other agents and they have been experiencing similar illnesses. I am currently researching as to why this happens.

I have more information on Earthen food. They actually eat ANIMALS! Can you believe that? What is even more shocking is the fact that these animals taste good! They are delicious! This may be something to possibly try. Although, I do not know if our animals are safe to eat.

Speaking of food, my Earth care-giver wishes me to come and eat now.

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log: #430
Earth Date: April 13, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Sedatvi 7, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

No new alien activity has been noted.

I have found the Earthlings idea of Martians quite interesting. They think that we are short and green with bulbous heads. They think that we have antennae and that we are out to destroy them. I try so hard not to laugh when I hear that.

It rained again today! I studied the water and found that it was full of pollution! I cannot believe the fact that these Earthlings have such an amazing weather pattern, and all they do is ruin it! I would gladly trade them weather patterns.

Earthlings insist on eating their food with these things they call "utensils." Utensils are these instruments made out of metal. They come in three main variates. There are "spoons" which are much like a shovel. They can pick up large quantities of food and carry it into your mouth. There are "forks" which are three or four pronged things that are meant for stabbing food. And there are "knives" which are used for cutting the food into smaller portions. I do not know why Earthlings use these. We were given hands for a reason!

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log: #429
Earth Date: April 12, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Sedatvi 6, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

I have contacted the Neptunians with information about us. They have not, as yet, contacted me in return. Alert The Diplomat that he may receive a message from Neptune.

I find it quite odd that the Neptunian on Earth is going by a German-Earthen name. Germany is one of the territories on this planet. I am curious how long he has been here and what his purpose is.

No new discoveries to report. I have been very busy with contacting the aliens.

That is all.

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log: #428
Earth Date: April 11, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Sedatvi 5, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

The Plutonians are quite pleased with our acceptance of the treaty. I hope our relationship with them will be a prosperous one.

The Plutonians have grown suspicious of the Neptunians. Why, I cannot say. I will keep track of this.

In her last log, Surveyor 13909 mentioned something about a thing called "school." It is the Earthling source of education. It sounded very intriguing and I thought I might enroll in it.

I apologize, this message has talked about nothing but Plutionions. They are just SO interesting. Now, on to something else.

Earthlings, or the American Earthlings (their territory is known as "America"), have the most bizarre way of keeping track of time. Instead of having their day split up into 24 hours, they have it split up into 12 hours and then it repeats! I do not know if the whole planet is like this, but it is ridiculous to see these American-Earthlings live in such deception! I am determined to teach them the error of their ways.

That's all for now.

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log: #427
Earth Date: April 10, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Sedatvi 4, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

I don't have much time. My Earthling care-giver wishes me to be done. But, I will say that Mars is now a member of UGf! Congratulations to all Martians!

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log:#426
Earth Date: April 8, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Sedatvi 2, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

I have some extremely important news that should be read by the Chief of Territory. The Plutonians have made contact and wish for us to sign a treaty with them. The treaty is from the Union of Galactic Forces, or UGF. They wish for all space-faring planets  to join it and promote peace. Personally, I like this idea, but I shouldn't be influencing the executive decision. If you can get a message back to me, I will give the aliens a yes or no. The treaty is on this link:

These Plutonians are extremely intelligent. It is amazing how quickly they discovered our operations and made contact. What is even more interesting about them is that they have powers, including flight, that don't appear to work well on Earth.

I was too busy with the Plutonians to make any other discoveries this Earth-day.

-End Message to Mars 

Earth Log: #425
Earth Date: April 7, 2011 AD
Mars Date: Sedatvi 1, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

I have found some very interesting news. Evidence suggests that ANOTHER alien species has found their way to Earth. A Plutonian has been sending messages to his/her/its home planet. It (I will call it that until I find out what gender it is) has just arrived and was separated from its surveying party. It, too, is baffled by this strange planet. I will keep tabs on its movements and activities.

No more word from the Neptunians. Maybe they were really wiped out.

The Earthlings, or, should I say, humans (for they are the dominant species), have an interesting source of fuel. They use the remains of dead animals, decomposed, as a fuel source. It powers their modes of transportation, called "cars." It pollutes the atmosphere, but is somewhat efficient. This may be a new way of powering our hovers. But it is very harmful to the environment. Just a thought.

That is all for now.

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log: #424
Earth Date: April 6, 2011
Mars Date: Sedatvi 0, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

It appears that the Neptunians have been destroyed by something they call zombies. Zombies are the dead given a consciousness again. One of our people had been snooping around a Martian base and discovered something (we do not yet know what it was) and somehow summoned these zombies. The Neptunians were unprepared for such an attack and all Neptunians on Earth have supposedly been wiped-out. We have a hard time believing that ALL of the Earth-going Neptunians are gone. That fact remains to be discovered.

No new Earthen discoveries to report. All is still baffling as usual.

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log: #423
Earth Date: April 4, 2011 AD
Mars Date: WERGON 56, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

No more evidence of Neptunian activity here has been found, but we have found something that the Earthlings refer to as Vulcans. It appears that this alien species of Vulcan is here as well. Vulcan are very humanoid in appearance, with the only different physical appearances being pointy ears and thin, arching eyebrows. Their culture rejects emotion and promotes logic. It is a very interesting way of living.

Earthlings have a very highly developed musical culture. They listen to music everyday and it is not uncommon to find a regular Earthling that plays an instrument, or even more then one! Music is not just reserved for royalty. It is a common everyday item. They even have different types of music! Quite different then our royal music.

Anyway, my Earthlings continue to treat me extraordinarily well. Earth-society has accepted me.

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log: #422
Earth Date: April 3, 2011 AD
Mars Date: WERGON 55, 312 QWE

-Begin Message to Mars

Evidence suggests that the Neptunians are on Earth as well. We have acquired some transmissions from Earth to Neptune. We will keep watching for these transmissions.

The most interesting thing about the planet Earth is that they have an abundance of liquid water. They do not have to create their own. It is just sitting there on the planet’s surface. It even falls from the sky! This will be something to keep in mind for further research.

The dominant Earthlings, the humans, keep other species in their homes with them. These other species are lesser. The humans care for them and in return the lesser species does nothing. The humans call these house-beings “pets.” I cannot imagine why they came up with such a strange idea. The humans get nothing from it.

I just realized that I forgot to put the Mars Date on my last entry. It was: WERGON 54, 312 QWE

-End Message to Mars

Earth Log: #421
Earth Date: April 2, 2011 AD

-Begin Message to Mars

These Earthlings continue to puzzle me. They seem to think that they are the most highly advanced beings in the solar system. Of course that is not true. Despite my attempts to tell them who I am, they still refuse to believe that Martians have infiltrated their planet.

I am out of data-space. I will send more later.

-End Message To Mars