Friday, April 8, 2011

Message sent from Surveyor 13909 to Zzasdout

(This is not part of my log, so I will post it here)

-Starting hologram-

Greetings, Martian immigrant! It is good to know that another species has developed the technology to transport to another planet.

I have discovered your location because of an alert virus that you triggered when you intercepted my transmission to my home planet. Is it necessary to spy on me, alien friend? Yes, I know it is necessary. You are curious about my operation. Therefore, in an effort to enlighten you, I will explain my objective.

The major political force on Pluto, a gallactic-alliance based house called Natrinity, has devised a plan to create and ensure our goal: Infinite Peace. We have created a treaty called the Treaty of the Union of the Gallactic Forces. This treaty suggests an alliance that will hopefully keep our solar system, and eventually our universe, free from violence and war. A few highly viewed officials such as myself were sent to Earth to survey the Planet and determine if it is developed enough to be introduced to the Union. So far, that does not seem likely. However, you (Martians) have demonstrated the act of interplanetary transportation, hence I would like to invite you to view the Treaty and sign it apon approval. The treaty is attached to this hologram.



The Galaxy of the Milky Way is a Galaxy that is currently undergoing the development of modern technology. The technology of which we speak could be a potential threat to the serenity of our world. This disturbance would be a disaster. As a result of our concern, we, the Union of the Gallactic Forces (UGF) have devised this treaty. Below are the terms and ideas we believe are necessary to ensure peace.

-Weapons devised on any planet are to remain on said planet. The intermingling of weapons could shift a planet's development, resulting in a mash of unintended events.

-Ideologies and religions are not to be put down with harmful intent. Disagreements yield war.

-Trade Routes and Alliances between planetary forces are tolerated, but in times of possible conflict, must be discontinued and/or temporarily set aside. We do not need planets taking sides against each other.

-Intermingling of species is acceptable if and only if intent is observation and/or alliance. No malicious intermingling is tolerated.

-Territories not developed enough to transport to other territories are to be kept unaware of the Union, unless that territory is in the process of developing sufficient technology. Otherwise, territories could take advantage of already invented technology, again resulting in a shift of development.

More points are to be added.
Vioation of the treaty is punishable by exemption from the union and therefore removed from it's protection. Forces are not prevented from attacking planets that are exempt from the Union.

Forces Approving of the Treaty:

~The Plutonian Empire of Natrinity
~The collective nations of Jupiter
~The Federation of Western Neptune
~Democratic Eastern Neptune


If you approve of the treaty, please copy and paste, add your political force to the list, and re-route to me immediately. Thank you and Godspeed.

-Ending hologram-


  1. -Begin Message from Zzasdout to Surveyor 13909

    Plutonian, I come in peace. Since you have already established contact, I will continue this conversation.

    First of all, are you a male or female? I should like to know, so I can speak about you as such.

    Second, I am sorry if my spying on you has caused you to be upset. I am terribly sorry, but will not stop, because your race in incredibly interesting and Martians need to learn more about you.

    You are probably curious to learn why I am on Earth. I am a scientist named Zzasdout. I have come with my team to study this strange planet called Earth. My team and I have disguised ourselves as humans (the dominant Earthling) and have fooled them into thinking that we are some of them. Over the past 11 years we have learned a good deal.

    That is all I have to say for now. I have contacted my superiors with information about the treaty. I will let you know when I have more information.

    -End Message from Zzasdout to Surveyor 13909

  2. -Begin hologram-

    My friend Martian;

    I, Syrenyti, daughter of Fliir, am a female. I agree that the Martians must learn about my species, but I am sorry to say that privacy is of the utmost importance on my mission. Hence, I have concocted a firewall that will prevent you from assessing some certain information. However, my mission logs will still be on this frequency and you will be able to contact me through the frequency.

    Thank you for contacting your superior. I am glad to hear that the Treaty is under consideration of a martian leader. Please contact me as soon as possible.

    -End hologram-


    Members of theGalactic Union , hear us. We are the Empire of Neptune, and we request the integration of the remainder of Neptune into the Galactic Treaty. Our military will make a fine addition to the collective of the Union, and Our technology is far in advance of these primitive life forms.


  4. -Begin Message

    I have spoken with my superiors and they very much approve of this treaty. I am happy to say that Mars is now a member of the UGF. Here is the copied-and-pasted treaty, as requested:


    The Galaxy of the Milky Way is a Galaxy that is currently undergoing the development of modern technology. The technology of which we speak could be a potential threat to the serenity of our world. This disturbance would be a disaster. As a result of our concern, we, the Union of the Gallactic Forces (UGF) have devised this treaty. Below are the terms and ideas we believe are necessary to ensure peace.

    -Weapons devised on any planet are to remain on said planet. The intermingling of weapons could shift a planet's development, resulting in a mash of unintended events.

    -Ideologies and religions are not to be put down with harmful intent. Disagreements yield war.

    -Trade Routes and Alliances between planetary forces are tolerated, but in times of possible conflict, must be discontinued and/or temporarily set aside. We do not need planets taking sides against each other.

    -Intermingling of species is acceptable if and only if intent is observation and/or alliance. No malicious intermingling is tolerated.

    -Territories not developed enough to transport to other territories are to be kept unaware of the Union, unless that territory is in the process of developing sufficient technology. Otherwise, territories could take advantage of already invented technology, again resulting in a shift of development.

    More points are to be added.
    Vioation of the treaty is punishable by exemption from the union and therefore removed from it's protection. Forces are not prevented from attacking planets that are exempt from the Union.

    Forces Approving of the Treaty:

    ~The Plutonian Empire of Natrinity
    ~The collective nations of Jupiter
    ~The Federation of Western Neptune
    ~Democratic Eastern Neptune
    ~The United Martian Territories

    -End Message
